Coronavirus/COVID-19 Update

Sweet Spot Science Reading Coronavirus/COVID-19 Update 2 minutes Next Paddle Artwork Design Competition!

First and foremost, our hearts go out to anyone who has lost a loved one due to this outbreak. Our stance is always that health and safety come before profits. Over the past few days here in the US, we've seen extreme measures being taken to protect people's health and safety and to reduce the further spread of illness. Schools are closed, restaurants are reduced to take-out/delivery only, countless events are being cancelled worldwide, and we're told to avoid being with 6' of eachother, whenever possible.

It's a surreal time for all of us, to be sure.

We aren't here to debate the current course of action, but rather to inform what Players Pickleball is doing to protect our customers (and ourselves).

At a time like this, there is a benefit to being a small company. We're currently able to adhere to even the most strict recommendations regarding social distancing without an impact on our production rate.

Because our primary mode of business is selling directly to our customers via our website, we can remain open to business as usual.

There still appears to be some uncertainty about how long the virus can remain dangerous on various surfaces, but general consensus seems to be that it is very difficult, if not impossible for the virus to spread by mail. To be sure we err on the side of caution, however, all of our paddles are wiped with alcohol prior to packaging and our staff wears gloves (and as of now, masks) during the final cleaning/boxing/shipping steps. Any person showing signs of illness will not be allowed in our production facility.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for supporting our small business! Please do all you can to stay healthy and to protect the health of those around you.

Much love,

Players Pickleball


P. Gayle Gleeson

P. Gayle Gleeson

Got my paddle today and played with our group of 8. Very happy with the paddle and the graphics are really well done. Excellent customer service, too.

Got my paddle today and played with our group of 8. Very happy with the paddle and the graphics are really well done. Excellent customer service, too.

Bill Steele

Bill Steele

We were planing on visiting our old home grounds Billingham/Point Roberts after Our LevelUp Camp in Idaho. Trip was aborted after our daughter ended up with C-19.
I had heard of your Bellingham based Paddle Manufacturing and your gel core paddles and wanted to give them a try.
Trip cancelled, 14 day Quarantine, no new paddle. 🤬
Is there a Demo program. Or.
Bill Steele, President Peralta Trails Pickleball Club,
Gold Canyon, Az

we lived in Bellingham/Point Roberts for 25 years when I was with Bayliner Corp.

We were planing on visiting our old home grounds Billingham/Point Roberts after Our LevelUp Camp in Idaho. Trip was aborted after our daughter ended up with C-19.
I had heard of your Bellingham based Paddle Manufacturing and your gel core paddles and wanted to give them a try.
Trip cancelled, 14 day Quarantine, no new paddle. 🤬
Is there a Demo program. Or.
Bill Steele, President Peralta Trails Pickleball Club,
Gold Canyon, Az

we lived in Bellingham/Point Roberts for 25 years when I was with Bayliner Corp.
Mark Anthony Rivers

Mark Anthony Rivers

Now that’s how real “Players” do it, Thanks for looking out for your friends an customers.
Stay safe an god bless.

Now that’s how real “Players” do it, Thanks for looking out for your friends an customers.
Stay safe an god bless.



Thanks for looking out for us! May we all be back to “normal” soon!!!

Thanks for looking out for us! May we all be back to “normal” soon!!!

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